Tenth Anniversary Flap Design Competition
Arrowman! Nguttitehen Lodge will celebrate its 10th anniversary in 2023! With this, we will make a 10th-anniversary lodge flap based on designs submitted by you, the lodge’s youth. Your design must be flap shaped within the borders of the template, including our lodge name, WWW, our lodge totem, an arrow or arrowhead, and a fleur-de-lis. […]
Fall Induction Weekends Quickly Approaching

Arrowmen! We are quickly approaching our Fall Induction weekends that will take place at all three of our council camps. This is an exciting time to welcome in our new members as well as allow our existing members to seal their membership by completing their Brotherhood. We hope to see all of you at one […]
2022 Fall Fellowship Registration Open

Greeting Arrowmen! My name is Steven Misczenski and I am honored to serve as your 2022 Fall Fellowship Chairman. Fall Fellowship will be on October 28th – 30th at Camp Crooked Creek. The weekend will be filled with competition to see which chapter is the greatest. Chapters will compete against one another alongside lodge leadership […]
August 2022 Chiefly Speaking
Hey Nguttitehen Lodge! For those I haven’t gotten a chance to meet yet, my name is Cameron, and I have the honor to serve as the 2022 Nguttitehen Lodge Chief. This is an exciting time of year for our Lodge! Just think about it; a ton of new Arrowmen joined us back in May, we […]
August 2022 Advisers Minute
The Lodge was well represented at the National Order of the Arrow Conference held at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, last week. This was approximately my tenth NOAC, give or take a few, so I started with a Jaded view of the event, after all having to wear a Tennessee Orange Backpack, but I was […]
NOAC 2022 Recap

During the week of July 24th – 30th, Nguttitehen Lodge sent a contingent of 26 people to the University of Tennessee, Knoxville to attend the National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC). The contingent attended classes, went to shows, met Arrowmen from across the country, and had lots of fun! Everyone had a blast and […]