The Vigil Honor is the highest honor a lodge can bestow upon its members. One may achieve this honor by being brotherhood for two years and being chosen by the vigil selection committee made of active members of all honors. The honor is one that the members must hold themselves to at all times alongside the ideals of scouting and the Order of the Arrow. It is not one that can be petitioned or campaigned for, but instead is one that is earned through unselfish service, leadership, and exceeding their responsibilities. The honor first originated in 1915, the same year the order was founded, when founder E. Urner Goodman became the first recipient of it. Thousands since then have been awarded the honor for their service towards the Order, Scouting, or Scout Camps.

The 2022 Nguttitehen Lodge Vigil Class is:

Reed F. – Iron Feather Chapter
Skyler O. – Four Fires Chapter
Nate S. – Wapiti Chapter
Josiah P. – Twin Buffalo Chapter
Natalie Y. – Seneca Chapter
Rick Daniel – Four Fires Chapter
Sarah Flowers – Council Employee
John Larkin – Iron Feather Chapter
Tim Petit – Twin Buffalo Chapter
Ann Wheatley – Awsu Netopalis

Please join us in congratulating these Arrowmen! They will complete their vigil induction during the 2022 Fall Fellowship!

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