On the weekend of October 28th-30th, our lodge gathered at Camp Crooked Creek for fun and fellowship. The lodge wants to thank everyone who made it so that this Fall Fellowship was the largest we have ever had with over 150 people in attendance. We enjoyed having so many members, both brand new and returning, at camp for the weekend to shoot, use our high COPE Course, and compete in Chef’d and Quest. We also inducted 8 members of our 2023 Vigil Honor Class. If you had fun at Fall Fellowship, we would love to have you return for our future lodge events, you can see our calendar for 2023 here.

We also want to give a huge thanks to Steven M., Paul Holcomb, and Kent Burton who all worked tirelessly to make sure this event was a success. If you want to be a part of making sure the 2023 Fall Fellowship is just as successful, contact Vice Chief of Admin Braydon S. at vicechiefadmin@nguttitehen.org and his adviser John Benz at john.benz@nguttitehen.org.

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