March 2023 Chiefly Speaking

Hello Lodge Members!!

This past weekend, we had our Tradeoree, which was a huge success. If you missed out on the fun, then don not worry, because there will be plenty of events to attend throughout the next few months. Let me tell you more about each of these great upcoming opportunities. 

The Spring Pow Wow is our next event, and it is just in one week! This year’s Pow Wow will be the Lodge’s biggest Pow Wow ever. Not only will we have educational trainings, we will also have alot of fun activities like Quest games, patch trading, Mario Kart, and much more. If you would like to go, you can register here. I am excited to see you all there!

Our section conclave is also just around the corner. Conclave is a very special event that has something for everyone. Activities include training taught by the best the OA has to offer, patch trading, many competitive games, and other fun activities. It will be on April 21st-23rd at Camp Yocona in northern Mississippi. You can find more information and register here. I hope to see you there so we can show everyone in Section E3 that we are the best lodge!

The Spring Ordeals are the final lodge events before summer camp begins. Ordeals are a great chance to get more involved in the OA.  We are always looking for people who are interested in helping out. Our amazing Nation Chiefs, Teddy and Josiah, are still looking for ceremonialists and elangomats. If you might be interested in helping out with anything in the Ordeals, please contact them at or depending on what nation you are in. 

These Ordeals give us opportunities to induct more members, but we can not induct new members if we do not have any unit elections. If your troop or anyone you know needs to have a unit election, please reach out and fill out this form. Please help us get elections done in your units so we can have a big turn out at all of the Spring Ordeals!

Our Lodge is full of amazing people. I personally invite you out to all of our events this spring to get a chance to meet them. The best way to learn about events or any other news is through our Slack. Please download and join our Lodge’s Slack so you can be up to date with everything in Nguttitehen news!

Yours in Service,
Anthony H.

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