August 2022 Chiefly Speaking

Hey Nguttitehen Lodge!

For those I haven’t gotten a chance to meet yet, my name is Cameron, and I have the honor to serve as the 2022 Nguttitehen Lodge Chief.

This is an exciting time of year for our Lodge! Just think about it; a ton of new Arrowmen joined us back in May, we recently came off of a great summer camp season with many elections and callouts being done, our contingent of 26 members just got back from the National Order of the Arrow Conference, and the opportunity to welcome another whole new batch of members is right around the corner! With all this excitement going on, it’s important to remind ourselves what the OA truly is, and why we stick with it.

We are a Brotherhood of Cheerful Service, but what does that really mean? Let’s break it down. We are a brotherhood; we can all rely on those in our lodge, and the OA as a whole. We are cheerful; we help each other personify that eighth point of the Scout Law through self-will and through fun activities. We provide service; we help others through the kindness of our hearts. As to why we stick with the OA, it differs from person to person, but I will share my reason: I know that everyone I meet – whether they’re old friends from when I joined in 2017 or brand new Arrowmen – is a part of my family, and I get to serve this family by working towards the betterment of my peers and the next generation of Scouts with the help of advisers and mentors who did the same for me.

So please, do your best to have fun and serve those around you in your daily lives. After all, as spoken by Chief Chingachgook in the Legend of the Delewares, “He who serves his fellows, is, of all his fellows, greatest!”

Yours in Service,
Cameron Poland
Wingolouchsik Ehahpikwès

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