During the week of July 24th – 30th, Nguttitehen Lodge sent a contingent of 26 people to the University of Tennessee, Knoxville to attend the National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC). The contingent attended classes, went to shows, met Arrowmen from across the country, and had lots of fun! Everyone had a blast and loved the experience. The contingent got to meet the national officers, including national chief Tim Reiss and eastern region chief Alex Pillis. Our very own Will H. also placed first in the NOAC Quest, a game that lasted all week, with fun prizes such as patches and VIP seats at the evening shows. The evening shows were excellent, featuring performers like Cristina Rae, and the juggling show known as the Passing Zone. In the end, the entire contingent had a fantastic time. A huge thanks goes out to the seven adults that made sure our contingent had a safe and fun time, especially our contingent leader Denise Boaz. There was already a lot of excitement about the next NOAC in 2024. If you do not want to miss out on your opportunity to attend the next NOAC be on the lookout for information on how you can attend to be sent out sometime in the fall of 2023.

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