December 2022 Chiefly Speaking

My Brothers,

This is my last Chiefly Speaking and my last chance, aside from Winter Banquet, to address the Lodge as Chief. I have so many things I would like to say, yet I cannot seem to find the words to do any of my thoughts justice. However, I will not let that stop me from trying.

I joined the Order of the Arrow in 2017, and I joined Scouting as a Wolf Cub in 2009. This means I’ve been a youth in the OA for 5 years, a quarter of my life, and a youth in Scouting for 13 years, the majority of my life. Through all this time, I’ve accomplished many things. I earned my Arrow of Light and my Eagle; I was honored with the Vigil Honor and Founder’s Award; I held positions of responsibility in my troop, chapter, lodge, section, and on NYLT and summer camp staff. All of those have been meaningful. 

However, those aren’t my biggest accomplishments, as they’re just byproducts of the real aim of my efforts: The acts of service, large and small, I’ve given to others in and out of scouting. Like helping a Tiger Cub complete his sports belt loop, providing and installing smoke detectors for those in need through my Eagle Project, helping keep our council camps maintained and safe for use, helping plan and deliver fun and meaningful programs to those in and out of our council and lodge, and in general, just being a smiling face and a friend to talk to throughout the many programs Scouting offers. I hope to continue these acts of service as an adult, but it will be a hard change to make.

I turn 21 on August 5th of next year, meaning at the time I’m writing this, I have exactly 9 months left as a youth in this amazing program. As I look back in reflection over these months, I think I will find that I’ve done all I could to impact the lives of those around me. And in this time of reflection, I have one piece of advice to all those reading this: Do what you reasonably can to help others, and if you feel inclined, go beyond. However, don’t be afraid to ask for help in doing so. Together, we can serve many more than we can on our own.

Given the message of this article, I find it fitting to close out my last Chiefly Speaking with the same quote I used in my first: “For he who serves his fellows is, of all his fellows, greatest!”

Yours in Service,
Cameron Poland
Wingolauchsik Ehapikwès

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