Nguttitehen Lodge hosted three induction weekends this fall. Hosting one at each camp (Camp Crooked Creek, Tunnel Mill Scout Reservation, and Pfeffer Scout Reservation), we inducted 126 new members, and 27 Arrowmen sealed their membership by completing their brotherhood at these weekends. We came together at each of these events to give back to our council and its camps for all they contribute to us. Throughout these weekends, the dedication and hard work of crews have given testament to the devotion to cheerful service that our order enshrines. We could not have made these weekends happen without the contributions of everyone involved.

Our lodge officers and committees plan year-round to ensure these weekends go smoothly. We can’t do this alone, so various Arrowmen have volunteered to contribute in these multiple aspects, whether out on the projects or behind the scenes. Ceremonialists work all weekend to ensure meaningful ceremonies are provided to our inductees so that we may uphold the traditions. Similarly, the elangomats are with our candidates throughout the ordeal to guide them through this challenging process. To ensure we all can participate in these services, our administrative, rangers, and cook crews work behind the scenes to support their fellow scouts in
the field. 

In these events, we see how coming together as one order can help us thrive in a task that would be impossible without one another. We thank all of you for joining us in these critical missions, and we look forward to seeing you at fall fellowship, winter banquet, and next spring for a new year and more opportunities to grow in our brotherhood of cheerful service.

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