Section E-3 Conclave Quickly Approaching!

Valhalla is calling, with the Section E-3 conclave quickly approaching! Conclave is a gathering of nine different Lodges across our region for a weekend of training, competitions, and fellowship! This year’s conclave will be on April 21st-23rd at Camp Yocona in Randolph, Mississippi, and it is hosted by the Ofi’ Tohbi Lodge. Registration for the […]
Meet the Vice-Chief Membership

Greetings, Nguttitehen Lodge, My name is Samuel R. and I am your 2023 Vice Chief of Membership. I am currently a Life Scout of Troop 4 in Louisville, KY, and a Brotherhood member of the OA. I have been in Scouting ever since I was in the second grade, and it has been an experience […]
Registration for Section Conclave Open!

Valhalla is calling with the Section E-3 conclave quickly approaching. Conclave is a gathering of nine lodges across our area to a camp for a weekend of training, competitions, and fellowship. This year’s conclave will be on April 21st-23rd at Camp Yocona in Randolph, MS with Ofi’ Tohbi as the service lodge. The current price […]
Request a Unit Election Today!

The Lodge simply cannot exist without our Lodge’s current and future Arrowmen. If you are a unit leader or OA representative of a unit who wishes to have an election team visit one of your meetings, please fill out this form: You can also contact your local chapter adviser or fill out the form […]
Register for Spring Pow-wow Today!

The 2023 Spring Pow Wow on March 24th-26th at Camp Crooked Creek is now just one month away! You can register for Spring Pow Wow here. Spring Pow Wow is all about two things, fellowship and fun! One of the big focuses of Spring Pow Wow will be Quest, a friendly competition to see which […]
Twin Buffalo Chapter Spotlight

My name is Kaden Towery, and I am the chapter chief for the Twin Buffalo chapter. As a chapter, one of our biggest goals is to have fun and exciting meetings every month. For example, our big events from last year consisted of a summer picnic, a bowling party, and a Christmas Party. Even our […]
February 2023 Chiefly Speaking

Hello everybody!!! You lodge leaders have been busy and working hard to bring some amazing events to life, like our Trade-O-Ree at Camp Crooked Creek on March 10th. This event is a great chance to get into patch trading! Another event that we are excited for is Spring Pow Wow, which is on March […]
Winter Banquet Recap!

On Saturday, January 7th, over 200 Arrowmen and Guests gathered together in the Camp Crooked Creek Dining Hall to celebrate our lodge’s great accomplishments for the 2022 year. A dedicated group of Lodge members prepared an excellent meal and the lodge had a great time of celebration and fellowship. The lodge is extremely grateful that we […]
January 2023 Advisers Minute

“I have over and over again explained that the purpose of the Boy Scout and Girl Guide Movement is to build men and women as citizens endowed with the three H’s namely: Health, Happiness, and Helpfulness. The man or woman who succeeds in developing these three attributes has secured the main steps to success in […]
Spring Pow-Wow Registration Now Open

Arrowmen, the registration for Spring Pow Wow on March 24th-26th at Camp Crooked Creek is now open! Spring Pow Wow is all about two things, fellowship, and fun! One of the big focuses of Spring Pow Wow will be Quest, a friendly competition to see which chapters are Nguttitehen’s most skilled. During Quest, you and […]